Current Research Areas

Approches and Frameworks for Parallel Discrete-event and Cycle Based Simulation

Sitar (Simulation Tool for Architectural Research)
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Sitar is a framework for modeling and parallel simulation of synchronous discrete-event systems (such as discrete time queues, computer networks and computer architectural models). It consists of a system description language and a cycle-based simulation kernel that uses a unique, easy-to-parallelize two-phase execution approach. The language allows a system to be described in a hierarchical manner as an interconnection of modules running concurrently. The behavior of each module can be described in an imperative manner using constructs such as time-delays, conditional wait statements, fork-join concurrency, and branch/loop constructs. C++ code can be embedded in a module description in a straightforward and well-defined manner. The sitar language parser has been written using Antlr V3. The simulation kernel is lightweight, consisting of a small set of C++ classes, and has been parallelized using OpenMP. Sitar received the best paper award at SIMULTECH2022 conference.

Sitar Simulation Framework 

Approches for efficient simulation of Hybrid (mixed discrete-event and continuous) systems

We are developing efficient approaches and open frameworks for hybrid simulation of systems containing loosely coupled discrete-event and continuous processes (such as those in process simulation applications). A preliminary version of the framework is described in this paper.

Simulation of Mixed Discrete-Continuous Systems 

Approaches and Tools for Automated Model Generation

We are developing approaches and building tools for automated model generation.
As one component of this flow, we have built an open, cloud-hosted tool called DataFITR for guided input modeling and random variate generation.

Automated Model Generation 

Open libraries for Simulation and Design exploration of Supply Chain Networks

We are developing an open Python library for the simulation of inventory and supply chain networks, coupled with meta-model based design exploration tool-sets. Preliminary work was published in Simultech 2023, and an extended abstract in SIGSIM PADS 2024.

Past Projects

Simulation-based Stochastic Optimization over Integer-valued Parameters in Queueing Networks and Computer System models

My PhD thesis proposed an embedding approach to convert the integer-valued parameters in a simulation model (such as queue or buffer capacities, number of servers and integer delays in a discrete-time model) into continuous parameters through a modification of the simulation model by introducing stochasticity in behavior. We showed that this yeilds a perfect interpolation of the long-run average performance measures. The embedding allows one to apply descent-based or other continuous optimizers directly over a simulation model for optimization over interger-valued and real-valued decision variables. This work was published in MASCOTS 2015 (for computer systems optimization) and ESM 2018 (for optimization of queueing networks).

IoT End-Point Simulation Framework for at-scale testing of middlewares and applications

This was a project at RBCCPS (IISc Bangalore) with the aim of developing a scalable and flexible framework for the simulation of the device layer in smart-city applications.
(August 2018 - January 2019)

Discrete-event modeling for Industrial IoT applications

As a part of an Energy-efficient assembly lines project at RBCCPS, the project involved building simulation models of the assembly line for prediction, optimization and real-time monitoring in an industrial Internet-of-Things framework. An open-source simulator for an SMT-PCB assembly line with GUI support, developed as a part of this project is available here.
PI: Prof. Rajesh Sundaresan, IISc Bangalore
(August 2017 - August 2018)

Development of Executable Simulation Models for the Ajit Processor

I developed detailed C-based functional and timing models of the memory subsystem components (caches, MMU, TLB, Main memory) and basic peripherals for the Ajit Processor (a Sparc-v8 based indiginous processor developed at IIT Bombay). I also worked on porting the Linux kernel to the Ajit processor platform by modifying the kernel entry code and writing basic device drivers.