Neha Karanjkar

Neha Karanjkar 

Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Goa (IIT Goa)

Address: Room F10, Lab 2, Acad block A,
Indian Institute of Technology Goa,
Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa 403401

Welcome to my webpage. My research interests are in modeling, simulation and optimization of Discrete-event Systems in applications areas such as computer system design, networks and logistics. My current focus is on development of approaches and frameworks for parallel and hybrid (mixed discrete-event and continuous) simulation. I obtained my M.Tech and Ph.D degrees from the Electrical Engineering department at IIT Bombay and was a Post-doctoral fellow at the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems (RBCCPS), IISc Bangalore.

I currently serve as a member of the ACM India Education committee and the Chairperson of the ACM Goa Professional Chapter.


  • June 2024   Our paper has been accepted as full paper at ACM/IEEE WinterSim 2024.

  • May 2024   My PhD students Tushar Lone and Lekshmi P have been selected to receive an ACM Travel Grant of USD 1000 each to present their work at the ACM SIGSIM PADS conference.

  • June 2023   I was an invited speaker at Target's MultiplAI 2023 Industry conference. I conducted a workshop on Open-source Powered Simulations for Enabling AI in Retail.

  • July 2022   Our paper on the Sitar simulation framework received the Best Paper Award at SIMULTECH 2022 conference, in Lisbon